RTO7’s Week in Review for September 11 2015

A sales mission to Albany NY, more high school students can access the Specialist High Skills Major program, information on the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund and more in RTO7's "Week in Review".


RTO7’s Week in Review for Sept 4, 2015

An exciting new partnership for Georgian College, two free AGCO workshops in November, BruceGreySimcoe.com's fall refresh, Celebrate Ontario 2016 now open for applications and more in today's "Week in Review".


Ontario Travel Online Packages Opportunity - Holiday Campaign

Ontario Travel Online Packages Opportunity - Holiday Campaign
Posted by Ginny Henry | August 28, 2015 | 2015, Holiday Campaign, Ontario Travel, OTMPC, packages, RTO7, tourism partners
OTMPC's 2015 Holiday Campaign will encourage our primary target audience, couples travelling with children from Ontario and the U.S. (New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan), to give the gift of Ontario, namely travel packages and event tickets.


Business Owner in the Town of The Blue Mountains? Your Input is Required!

Business Owner in the Town of The Blue Mountains?  Your Input is Required!
The Town of The Blue Mountains, The Blue Mountains Chamber of Commerce, and the South Georgian Bay Small Business Enterprise Centre, with the support of the Thornbury Business Improvement Association, are teaming up to put together a business event in support of local business success.


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