RTO7’s Week in Review for August 28, 2015

The City of Owen Sound, working in partnership with RTO7, is offering its first ever guided Salmon Tour this fall.  Other partners include the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority and the Sydenham Sportsmen’s Association.  There will be three tours offered on September 27th, October 2nd and October 9th with an admission fee of $20.  A self-guided salmon tour was developed through a Partnership Funding project in 2013.  More information on the tour can be found in the Bayshore Broadcasting news article or by visiting the Salmon Tour’s website.
Thanks to the low Canadian dollar, the number of Americans visiting Canada was up in June, while the number of Canadians travelling to the U.S. during the same time period was down.  This marks a seven-year high for U.S. visitation to Canada.  Read the CBC News article for more information.
A reminder that winter deadlines are fast approaching for OTMPC’s 2015-16 winter campaigns.  For the complete listing of marketing initiatives and opportunities, read the RTO7 Connection post from August 6, 2015.
And, OTMPC has just released info on their online packages opportunity for the 2015 Holiday Campaign.  See our post from August 28th for complete details and contact info.
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