RTO7’s Week in Review for Sept 4, 2015

A new partnership at Georgian College will benefit both the growth of local artisan producers and bring new opportunities for the college’s culinary students.  The college is the only North American partner of Academia Barilla in Parma, Italy, which is a training and research branch of the company, the world’s leading pasta maker.  Read more about this unique culinary educational experience in theFlesherton.ca online article.
A unique historical excursion travels behind locked gates in Owen Sound and adds a new dimension to the Owen Sound Salmon Tour.  In addition to guided Salmon Tours, a second tour stops at the city’s long-decommissioned water filtration plant, which is usually not accessible to the general public.  Tour participants can view how the sand works to filter the water through the system and there is a hands on component to the new tour.  Read more in the Owen Sound Sun Times article, “Excursions being added to fall Salmon Tour”.
If you are a Bruce Grey Simcoe Special Event Planner, don’t miss out on this great workshop!  Before having alcohol at your event come and learn about the AGCO, permit options, how to work with your local inspector and what you need to know about insurance from industry professionals that have the answers to identify and address your risk.

Also planned - a “what I learned” panel discussion with other event planners that have been through the process of serving alcohol at their events.
Save the date of Tuesday November 24th, 2015 from 12:30-4:30pm at the Southampton Town Hall - 26 Albert Street S. Southampton, ON
A second workshop in the Town of Innisfil will also be held -  Date to be determined.
Proudly brought to you by RTO7, Town of Saugeen Shores and Town of Innisfil.  Workshop invitations will be emailed separately with RSVP information closer to event dates.

Circle the date of Wednesday, December 9, 2015 on your calendar for the first ever collaborative conference hosted by RTO7, Bruce, Grey and Simcoe Counties.  It takes place at Meaford Hall, details to follow as they are finalized.
Celebrate Ontario 2016 grant applications are now being accepted – read the RTO7 Connection post of September 3, 2015 for details.
Penetanguishene hosted an “Idea Bombing” on Thursday, August 27th – watch the video for what transpired.
The consumer website, BruceGreySimcoe.com, and microsites have been refreshed for fall and our fall digital campaign is underway.  Have you updated or added your operator listing?  Visit the Operator Login page to get started.  Need help registering?  Contact Communication Coordinator Ginny Henry – ghenry@brucegreysimcoe.com

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