RTO7 Launches 2023/24 Funding Programs

RTO7 Launches 2023/24 Funding Programs
RTO7 is pleased to announce our line-up of programs for 2023/24 geared to support tourism operators, businesses, and organizations in BruceGreySimcoe. Applications are being accepted for processing, with start dates and funding based on the information below. 
RTO7’s program offerings for 2023/24 are contingent on the Ministry of  Tourism, Culture and Sport’sapproval of RTO7’s business plan and budget.

Partnership Program 2023/24

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until deadline dates or until available funds have been allocated. It is highly recommended that you submit your application as soon as possible, even if your project will not happen until 2024 - last year, leverage on the more popular programs dropped from $1:$2 to matching ($1:$1) in May. 
The most accessed categories of partnership focus on development of collateral and advertising:
Collateral Development
  • Video & Image Development
    • Book a photo or video shoot to create an up-to-date library of images and video to use in future advertising, on your website or in print media.
    • Recruitment videos are again being offered, so tourism operators can develop a video that can be used to advertise for staff through RTO7’s Recruitment Implementation Program
  • Storytelling 

Advertising (often, although not necessarily) using the collateral developed above
  • Social Media Advertising 
  • Digital Advertising (leverage is now $1:$1)
Other Partnership categories include:
  • Trade Show Booth Space Reimbursement
  • Tourism Wayfinding, Trails & Cycling Signage (leverage is now $1:$1)
  • Translation 
  • Experience Development (now includes accredited Sustainability Certification for businesses and destinations (with a lower minimum partner contribution than other Experience Development projects)

All applications (and Guidelines) may be found here.

If you have questions or require more information, please email Alex Hogan, ahogan@rto7.ca

Implementation Programs

Operations Implementation Program (OIP)
If, in the past, you have applied for the Festival Implementation Program (FIP) and/or the Tourism Implementation Program (TIP), you should now apply through OIP.
Designed to assist stakeholders in BruceGreySimcoe with social media marketing, operational expenses can be leveraged into a 4-week advertising campaign. Eligible expenses include mortgage payments, rent, insurance, inventory purchases, etc. Find more information on this page on RTO7.ca, including guidelines and application form. Deadline to apply is January 31, 2024.
Recruitment Implementation Program (RIP)
Designed to offer additional support for tourism operators to help with recruiting staff, stakeholders can leverage operating expenses into a social media campaign. Eligible expenses include mortgage payments, rent, insurance, inventory purchases, etc. More information and the application form can be found HERE. Deadline to apply is January 31, 2024.
Sustainability Inclusivity Program (SIP)
This program has been modified this year to include assistance for tourism operators in promoting an inclusive business practice, in addition to help with promoting a new sustainable product, experience or initiative you’ve invested in with a social media marketing campaign. Learn more and apply on RTO7.ca. Deadline to apply is January 31, 2024.
If you have questions or need help with any of the implementation programs, contact:
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Views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the blog comments section belong solely to the comments' authors and are not necessarily those of Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7), its Board of Directors or its staff.

Ginny Henry
Hi Dorothy,

For more info on our funding programs, please contact Alex, ahogan@rto7.ca or Robyn Hewitt, rhewitt@rto7.ca.

Thanks for your inquiry.
4/3/2023 1:20:54 PM
Dorothy Ladd
More info please
4/3/2023 12:54:21 PM
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