More RTO7 Programs Accepting Applications

Posted by Ginny Henry | June 09, 2021 | COVID-19 Recovery, implementation, partnership program, programs, RTO7, tourism recovery
More RTO7 Programs Accepting Applications
RTO7 is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for more of our partnership programs. See the list below for more information, deadlines and application links. 
Some tips:
  • Have questions? Contact information can be found on each program page.
  • Apply as early as possible - funds are allocated on a “first come, first served” basis until the programs are fully subscribed or the deadline, whichever comes first.
*Note that advertising applications are available so that we may plan campaigns; we are not launching campaigns in-market until further notice. It is possible that your planned campaign may be put on hold, reflecting direction by the Province, local health units or municipalities. Therefore, there is a small chance that your campaign may be cancelled, although postponement is more likely. Note also that we have been hearing of pent up demand for travel, so you may wish to carefully consider whether you will actually need advertising this summer.


Social Media (Video & Image) Advertising
Participants can use short videos or images developed in partnership with RTO7 or can use their own approved videos and images to advertise on social media. Media buys are managed by RTO7's Agency of Record (The Aber Group Inc.). The BruceGreySimcoe campaigns have been very successful and the lower buy-in for this partnership offers a low-risk introduction to the benefits of social media advertising as an effective complement to other forms of advertising.
Note: As of April 2020, the new Operational Implementation Program offers social media advertising in exchange for an operator’s investment in their operations – you might want to review this program first - if it doesn’t meet your needs, consider this Social Media Advertising Campaign, which involves a cash contribution by you.  
Note that this Social Media Advertising program may not be undertaken in conjunction with the OIP, TIP, FIP or SIP programs, but may be undertaken in conjunction with the Video/Image Development program (although separate applications will be required).  For clarification and questions, visit this page on for contact info, plus details on the program, guidelines and application form. Deadline to apply is October 31, 2021.
Digital Advertising*
In this program, digital advertising includes several options: adwords/search, Facebook/Instagram ads, banner/display ads, etc. to promote tourism assets and events in BruceGreySimcoe. All media buys are managed by RTO7’s Agency of Record (The Aber Group Inc.). Website designs and updates are not included in the program.
Note that this Digital Advertising program may not be undertaken in conjunction with the OIP, TIP, FIP or SIP programs, but may be undertaken in conjunction with the Video/Image Development program (although separate applications will be required). Visit this page on for contact information, program details, guidelines and the application form.  Deadline to apply is August 31, 2021.


Festival Implementation Program
This program has been designed to assist well-established and regional/emerging festivals to achieve at least one of the following: increase visitor spending, help reduce overcrowding in areas experiencing capacity issues, increase length of stay and/or increase return visits to BruceGreySimcoe. Media buys are managed by RTO7's Agency of Record (The Aber Group Inc.). For detailed information on the program, criteria and application form, visit this page on Deadline to apply is January 31, 2022.
Operations Implementation Program (OIP)
Designed to assist stakeholders in BruceGreySimcoe with social media marketing, operational expenses can be leveraged into a 4-week advertising campaign. Eligible expenses include mortgage payments, rent, insurance, inventory purchases, etc. Media buys are managed by RTO7's Agency of Record (The Aber Group Inc.). Find more information on this page on, including guidelines and application form. Deadline to apply is January 31, 2022.
Sustainable Tourism Implementation Program (SIP)
If you want to promote a new sustainable product, experience or initiative for your tourism business, BruceGreySimcoe can with supporting a social media marketing campaign. Examples include a new “shoulder season” experience, implementation of a green initiative to fight climate change or an experience that instills a sense of community pride. Media buys are managed by RTO7's Agency of Record (The Aber Group Inc.). Need more info? Visit this page on for more details, guidelines, and application form. Deadline to apply is January 31, 2022. 
Tourism Implementation Program (TIP)
If, as a tourism stakeholder in BruceGreySimcoe, you’ve invested in a new product or experience and want to promote it, RTO7 can help. To be eligible, applicants need to demonstrate how the investment has contributed to one of these four objectives: improve quality and sustainability, reduced seasonality, increased visitor spending or length of stay and expanded to or developed a new target market. Media buys are managed by RTO7's Agency of Record (The Aber Group Inc.). Read more about this program on this page on

As shared in our newsletter of May 28th, applications are now being accepted for the following – click on the links below for more information:

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