Partnership Program Update

May 9, 2023 Update
This year RTO7 has had an unprecedented volume of applications for the Partnership Program.  The intake of applications has been paused at this time as staff evaluates the levels of funding requested with the availability of funds. At this point, it is not expected that this program will re-open this year.
Two of the Implementation Programs still have opportunities for late-summer projects.  Check out and review the various Implementation Programs to find the most suitable for your social media advertising campaigns. The programs available for late summer are the Recruitment Implementation Program (RIP) and the Sustainability Inclusivity Program (SIP). In addition, the Operations Implementations Program (OIP) has opportunities for fall projects.

Thank you to everyone who has already submitted their applications for the 2023/24 Partnership Program. There has been a tremendous response to the program so far.
Due to this response, program funds that benefit from additional RTO7 leverage have already been committed to projects, with limited funds remaining. These include video/image development, social media advertising and storytelling.
If you’re interested in applying for the 1:2 leverage of funding for the 2023/24 fiscal year, submit your application now to secure funds. When this source of funding is exhausted, leverage becomes 1:1 matching funds (RTO7 contributes $1 to match your $1 contribution). This means that your minimum partner contribution will increase.
Other updates:
  • Social Media Advertising Campaigns: applications are being accepted only for campaigns that begin in early July 2023 or later.
  • Applications received between April 21 to May 10 will be reviewed and processed starting the middle of May.
Learn more about the Partnership Program and apply by visiting the Partnership Program page.

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