Partners Working Together Leads to Celebration at Hogg's Falls

Partners Working Together Leads to Celebration at Hogg's Falls
July 6th’s Celebration at Hogg's Falls was the culmination of several years of hard work. An amazing amount of collaboration was required to achieve this nearly 'impossible' project. 


RTO7 Partners with South Bruce Peninsula MATA for Tourism Strategy

RTO7 Partners with South Bruce Peninsula MATA for Tourism Strategy
The Board of Directors for the new Municipal Accommodation Tax Association (MATA) of the Town  of South Bruce Peninsula have partnered with RTO7 in developing a comprehensive and sustainable 5-year tourism strategy and 1-year action plan.


News Release

News Release
Posted by Ginny Henry | May 29, 2023
Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) delivers $6.9 million for 94 businesses and organizations, with support from the Government of Canada’s Tourism Relief Fund (TRF), to attract visitors and support future growth.


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