Tourism Development Fund 2023 Accepting Applications Until September 14, 2023

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has launched the Tourism Development Fund 2023 program. The fund supports projects that encourage the development of innovative new tourism products, support tourism investment or build the capacity of Ontario’s tourism industry to foster new tourism investments.

Formerly known as the Tourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund, the new Tourism Development Fund 2023 will match eligible funds to a maximum of 50 percent of total eligible cash expenses (up to $25,000) for new tourism projects and experiences as outlined in a project cash budget.

The Tourism Development Fund 2023 program aims to support projects that will increase tourist visitation and visitor spending in Ontario by:
  1. developing innovative tourism products and experiences
  2. increasing domestic and/or foreign private sector tourism investment
  3. strengthening the skills, resources and abilities of the tourism industry to attract or support new tourism investments

For information on the program, please see the Tourism Development Fund 2023 Application Guide.  Information about how to apply is available at

Regional Development Advisors are available to assist with questions about the application process. Contact information can be found in the program guide. In RTO7, contact Christine Dodd by phone at 705-627-5057 or by email at

The application period is now open – applications will be accepted until September 14, 2023, at 5 p.m. (ET). Please feel free to share this notice with others who may be interested.

Note: The Tourism Development Fund 2023 is a highly competitive program. Applications will be measured against program criteria and there is no guarantee of funding.

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