RTO7's 2021 Funding Programs Now Accepting Applications

RTO7's 2021 Funding Programs Now Accepting Applications
RTO7 is pleased to announce our line-up of programs geared to support tourism operators, businesses and organizations as they move into recovery from the effects of COVID-19 on the tourism industry. 
If your business has had capital expenditures related to COVID-19 safety and security, RTO7 is able to reimburse a minimum of $500 up to a maximum of $2,000 pre-tax towards your matching investment. What’s included? Patio expansion at restaurants to accommodate more patrons, furniture, heaters, barriers, large scale sanitation equipment, booking and POS systems, etc. For more information on who’s eligible, receipts you need to provide and to apply, visit this page on RTO7.ca.
Available on a “First Come, First Served” basis until funds are allocated.
Leverage your operating expenses of $1500 (pre-tax) into this free new opportunity (value of $3,000) to create or update an image library for your business to use as marketing collateral. Eligible expenses include rent, insurance, inventory purchases, etc. and receipts must be provided (note that these receipts cannot have been used to access other assistance programs). For more details on the program, eligibility and to apply, visit this page on RTO7.ca.
Available on a “First Come, First Served” basis until funds are allocated.
This program, like the Consumer Confidence Images, offers the opportunity to leverage your operational expenses of $1,500 pre-tax (rent, insurance, inventory purchases, etc.) into the creation of two videos - one 60-second and one-30 second (value of $3,000). There is no additional cost to you and receipts used for video production must not be the same as those used to access other assistance programs. To learn if your business is eligible, requirements and to apply, visit this page on RTO7.ca.
Available on a “First Come, First Served” basis until funds are allocated.
Applications are now being accepted for the 2021/22 Partnership Program (based on RTO7’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan 2021/22) for the following programs:
  • Video/Image Production (deadline October 31, 2021)
  • Storytelling (Deadline October 31, 2021)
  • Tourism Wayfinding, Trails & Cycling Signage (deadline September 30, 2021)
  • Experience Development (deadline August 31, 2021)
  • French Translation Services (deadline October 31, 2021)

As applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until the application deadline or available funds have been allocated, it’s important to submit your application as soon as possible. Submitted applications are reviewed in the order they are received and approval is based on merit and alignment with RTO7 business plans.
More information on the various programs, guidelines and application forms can be found on this page on RTO7.ca.
Through this program, RTO7 can assist tourism stakeholders to develop products and experiences unique to our region to help increase visitors’ length of stay, increase yield per visitor and encourage a higher level of return visitation. As experiences work well with smaller groups, they can be an effective addition to your COVID-19 recovery plan. To learn more about how this program can benefit your business, guidelines and to apply, visit this page on RTO7.ca.
Deadline to apply is January 31, 2022.

This program is designed to help and support well-established and regional/emerging festivals to achieve one of the following: increase visitor spending, help reduce overcrowding in areas that are experiencing capacity issues, increase length of stay and/or increase return visits to BruceGreySimcoe. Learn more about this program by visiting this page on RTO7.ca.
Deadline to apply is January 31, 2022.
Facilitated by Kim Clarke, RTO7’s Tourism Experience Development Specialist, this training course gives participants the tools for the development of new experiences with the goal of increasing visitor spend and visitation. Currently offered online, communities interested in developing tourism experiences can contact Kim directly for more information at kclarke@rto7.ca or by phone at 519-379-2506. You can also find more details and examples of experiences created after completing ED101 on RTO7.ca.
As Ontario continues to re-open slowly from its most recent lockdown, some of our programs are on hold for the time being. These include:
  • Operations Implementation Program
  • Sustainability Implementation Program
  • Tourism Implementation Program
  • Partnership Programs
  • Digital Advertising
  • Social Media (Image & Video) Advertising Campaign

Views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the blog comments section belong solely to the comments' authors and are not necessarily those of Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7), its Board of Directors or its staff.

Alex Hogan
Yes, if you have operational expenses related to the store from April 1st, 2021 on, then we'll supply you with videography and/or imagery. Feel free to reach out at ahogan@rto7.ca with any specific questions!
6/10/2021 3:06:29 PM
Katherine Maxwell
Wow...so many options ...thank you! So for the Consumer Confidence images and videos, we submit receipts for store expenses and you create the images/videos for us? That would be wonderful!
6/10/2021 11:29:08 AM
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