RTO7 Continues Its Sustainable Tourism Journey

RTO7 Continues Its Sustainable Tourism Journey
In our last sustainable tourism blog post (dated February 7, 2023), RTO7 shared the news that we have taken the Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge as a step on our sustainability journey.
Taking the pledge has led us into the next phase of our journey as RTO7, with the support of TIAO (Tourism Industry Association of Ontario), is now in the process of completing the GreenStep Destination Assessment for the region of BruceGreySimcoe.  The assessment will establish a baseline, uncovering both strengths and opportunities in which to focus the region’s efforts to improve performance over time.
The assessment questionnaire consists of 117 questions (with sub questions) within these pillars:
  • Management 
  • Social & Economic
  • Natural & Cultural
  • Environmental

RTO7 staff have submitted evidence and are just finishing up the assessment process. It is a very thorough process and having the region’s performance verified by a third party is an important aspect for the organization.  Examples of sustainability initiatives across the region were included (from both the private and public sectors) in the assessment. Looking forward, reassessment takes place in three years’ time with the expectation that staff will have increased knowledge about sustainable practices taking place within the region. 
Next Steps
  • With the help of GreenStep, develop a Sustainability Action Plan for the region
  • Establish a Region 7 Sustainable Tourism Working Group, to be comprised of a diversity of industry and community stakeholders. The goal of the working group is to help inform the direction of sustainability initiatives within the destination and support ongoing efforts to improve the region’s sustainability performance. 

Stay tuned to follow our progress and learn more about how you can help move your organization and the region forward! If a friend or colleague has forwarded this email to you, take a moment to subscribe now to have our newsletters delivered straight to your inbox.

Learn More About the Pledge (free webinars):
  • February 22: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Ontario, Take the Sustainable Tourism Pledge. Visit the event page to learn more and register.
  • March 21: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Ontario, Take the Sustainable Tourism Pledge. Visit the event page to learn more and register.
About GreenStep
GreenStep is the only Canadian-based organization that offers Global Sustainable Tourism Council recognized certification assessment criteria, which is aligned to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and international best practices. The organization helps tourism businesses and destinations measure and improve sustainability performance through assessments and certification programs designed specifically for tourism and hospitality. Learn more by visiting their website.
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