RTO7 Signs the Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge

RTO7 Signs the Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge
The UN World Tourism Organization
defines sustainable tourism as
“tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.”
Exciting news for RTO7 as we head into a new year embarking on a new initiative!
RTO7 has recently signed the Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge to demonstrate our commitment to improving the sustainability performance of BruceGreySimcoe as a destination between now and 2030. We’ve taken this new step on the sustainability journey with support from TIAO (Tourism Industry Association of Ontario) and GreenStep Sustainable Tourism. RTO7 has been in collaboration with organizations in developing and instituting their plans and has actioned many forms of sustainable tourism with an emphasis on responsible tourism and capacity limitations. By taking the pledge, we are now making a firm commitment to move forward in this area.  The goal is to benefit all the region’s stakeholders – tourism operators and organizations, visitors, and residents alike.
For RTO7 staff and Board members, sustainability on all levels – economic, social and environmental - is important. From the results of the sustainable tourism survey conducted in September 2022, we learned that it’s important to the region’s tourism stakeholders, too. We consider sustainability to be a collaborative effort – BruceGreySimcoe is a big region and, gradually over time, it’s our hope to see us all moving in the same direction. 
Through newsletters, social media posts and blogs, we’ll continue to share our learnings and look forward to connecting with you. To share your sustainability news, practices, victories, events, etc., be sure to tag us on your social media posts by using @RTO7Connection on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.
We encourage you and your tourism business or organization to consider taking the pledge as a positive first step to assessing your business’s existing sustainability practices and learning what other opportunities and ideas can be explored and added to enhance your current practices.
Learn more about the pledge by attending one of these webinars:

Learn more about the pledge by attending one of these webinars:
  • February 22, 12 to 3 pm, hosted by TIAO and GreenStep online. Register on the TIAO website.
  • March 21, 9 am to 12 pm, hosted by TIAO and GreenStep online. Register on the TIAO website.

If you have questions or want to learn more about our undertaking, feel free to reach out to us by emailing sustainable@rto7.ca
Stay tuned for more info as we move forward. If a friend or colleague has forwarded this email to you, take a moment to subscribe now to have our newsletters delivered straight to your inbox.

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