Exciting News for 2017/2018 Festival and Event Submission!

Posted by Ginny Henry | November 28, 2016 | BruceGreySimcoe, deadline, events, FEO, FestivalsandEventsOntario, guide, OTMPC
Festivals & Events Ontario (FEO) will be producing the 2017/2018 edition of the Festivals & Events in Ontario Guide in partnership with the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation (OTMPC).  Deadline to submit your events online is Friday, December 2, 2016!!


2017 Premier's Awards for Excellence in the Arts - Submit Your Nomination!

Posted by Ginny Henry | October 14, 2016 | 2017, BruceGreySimcoe, Excellence in the Arts, nominations, Ontario, Premier's Awards
Are you passionate about the arts, consider yourself a fan or simply admire an artist or arts organization whose work has left an impression? The Premier’s Awards for Excellence in the Arts are your chance to applaud them.


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