Updates to Workplace-Related COVID-19 Guidance in Ontario

From the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) and the Ministry of Health (MOH).
MLITSD guidance 
The Prevention Division recently posted changes to our workplace masking guidance to include additional information about mask fit and filtration. As of August 22, 2022, the document offers practical and technical information to: 
  • enable employers to better assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of different types and uses of masks
  • help workplaces make the actions they choose more effective
  • support businesses to be prepared to respond quickly, appropriately and with minimal disruption to any/all future waves of COVID-19 
The updated masking guidance is available at the same English and French links as before: 
We are working with Workplace Safety and Prevention Services to produce a short, recorded webinar in September that presents the guidance and explains the changes. Please let us know if you would like to work with us to adapt the presentation to better meet the needs of your clients/sectors. Contact information can be found on this webpage.
MOH guidance
Last week, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore, announced changes to the general public advice on self-isolation. This is based on updates to the guidance for public health units on the management of cases and contacts of COVID-19 in Ontario which includes the following changes:

09_16_2022_MOH chart with updated workplace guidelines

Employers will want to be aware of these changes and reflect upon them. There may be different or specific advice related to higher risk workplaces or if an outbreak occurs. It is up to the employer to determine whether and how to update their own workplace policies. 
Employers are also reminded to consider basic elements of infection control that should be present in all workplaces, such as encouraging proper hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, reminding workers about the signs and symptoms of respiratory diseases commonly seen in the fall/winter months and advising workers not to come into the workplace if they feel unwell. 
Having a safety plan and taking a layered approach to controls will protect against COVID-19 transmission in the workplace and help all businesses across Ontario to stay open and safe.
For more info on COVID-19 and workplace health and safety, visit the Ontario website.

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