Destination Ontario Invites Stakeholders to Participate: Fall Campaign Twitter Billboard Opportunity

Destination Ontario is pleased to share an exciting activation planned in partnership with Twitter as part of its current Ontario Market Plan Fall Campaign. Starting late September through early October, Destination Ontario will be showcasing select fall Tweets that include the hashtag #DiscoverON or #DécouvrezON as a billboard takeover in Yonge and Dundas Square!

This is a great opportunity to share your inspirational fall images, video work and planning content and have it reach a larger audience in an engaging format — and a first for Destination Ontario! The goal of this activation is to inspire our audience to get out and explore Ontario this fall, so keep that in mind when showcasing your experience or region through your Twitter content. All your Tweet needs to be eligible to be considered is the inclusion of one of the hashtags mentioned above, and an accompanying image or video to be displayed with your Tweet copy on the billboard.

Pictures will also be taken of the Tweets live on the billboard and sent back to users on Twitter so that you can see your content on the big screen!

If you would like to participate, please aim to have your Tweets live on your channels starting as early as this week, through late September, as Destination Ontario will begin moderating and selecting Tweets shortly. Feel free to also share this message with other industry stakeholders, partners and members.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Brittney Newstead, Marketing Manager –

For more information on Destination Ontario and other partnership opportunities, visit their corporate website.

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