Program Offers Grant and Mentorships to Spark New Sustainable Tourism Ideas for the Bruce Peninsula

Program Offers Grant and Mentorships to Spark New Sustainable Tourism Ideas for the Bruce Peninsula
A third round of the “Spark” Mentorship & Grants Program has been launched to encourage Bruce County entrepreneurs, small businesses and non-profit organizations to create new sustainable tourism ideas for the Bruce Peninsula.

The program matches selected applicants with a tourism mentor and provides a $3,000 grant to help take their new sustainable tourism ideas to the next level of development. Previous participants were selected for guided forest bathing walks, Indigenous tourism experiences, multi-person canoe ecotours, year-round retreats, transparent kayak adventures, and winter glamping retreats.

View official program announcement video:

Organizers are looking for sustainable tourism ideas that will enhance the Bruce Peninsula’s current tourism offerings, create high-quality, low impact tourism experiences, address gaps in tourism products and services, motivate longer stays and repeat visits, disperse visitation geographically, and increase shoulder season visits and tourism spending.

The Bruce County “Spark” Mentorship & Grants Program is a partnership between Bruce County, Bruce Power, Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula, Town of South Bruce Peninsula, Bruce Grey Simcoe (Regional Tourism Organization 7), Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, and the Ontario Tourism Innovation Lab.

Applications will be accepted from September 9th to October 15th, 2021. Following a juried review process, finalists will be invited to a Pitch Session where three winners will be selected.

For more information on the Bruce County “Spark” Program visit

For more information, contact:
Justin Lafontaine
Ontario Tourism Innovation Lab
416-712-8819 or

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