Social Media - Best Practices

Posted by Ginny Henry | September 02, 2016
  • Content relevant to your business/organization & common interests of your audience
  • Non-promotional information – stories about community involvement, activities participated in

Foster engagement
  • Be human & conversational - respond to mentions, questions, users’ posts, etc.  “Mention” relevant partners, businesses, events, etc.
  • Be off topic & conversational i.e. current affairs / seasonal celebrations
  • Create posts that get a reaction – like, emotion, curiosity

Multi-faceted Approach to digital presence
  • Cross –promote your accounts for discoverability
  • Integrate campaigns across all social media – create “recognition factor” & make social media links visible on blogs/websites
  • Keep profile names the same for easy recognition

Consistent branding / voice /message
  • Create cohesive, branded customer experiences

Add value
  • Offer good online customer service, same as “off line”
  • Be interested, empathetic, sympathetic

Practice good etiquette
  • Be respectful and helpful
  • Continually push your brand through marketing / promotional posts
  • Rely on scheduled posts – social media is spontaneous & conversational
  • Over post – go for quality over quantity
  • Ignore negative comments – they can be a useful relationship-building tool
  • Ignore mentions, retweets, likes, etc. Acknowledge them with a like, retweet or thank you.
  • The only constant in social media is change
  • What works for your organization may not work for someone else & vice versa
  • Social media is not a stand-alone marketing tool
  • High number of likes/follows not necessarily measurement of effective use of social media – “engagement” is a truer measurement of success
  • Social media insights/analytics identify what interests your audience & when they’re reading your posts


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