Export Readiness Webinars

On September 27 and October 12th, from 10:30-12:00 noon, the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation (OTMPC) will host an informative 90 minute, FREE web-based Export Readiness Webinar (WebEx) session.  Tourism stakeholders will gain introductory knowledge on why they should consider international markets, which international markets OTMPC pursues (and how), and the experiences that international travelers are seeking. We will also discuss export readiness criteria and how to work with the travel trade sector. 

To register for the September 27th session click here.

To register for the October 12th session click here.

Please note that there is a limit of 100 participants per web session. In November we will host two additional webinars to provide you with more in-depth learnings of how to effectively work with tour operators and receptive tour operators, language requirements, staffing and resourcing levels and sales missions and international trade shows. Additional information on these webinars will be forwarded in October.  It is mandatory to attend one of the two introductory sessions in order to participate in the more detailed November webinars. 

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