Charlie Kelly Award 2016 - Call for Nominations

Do you know someone who has helped to raise the profile of tourism in BruceGreySimcoe over the last year?

Nominations are now open for the annual Charlie Kelly award.  Eligible nominees can be anyone affiliated with a tourism organization or business in the region, in either a professional or volunteer capacity.
What is the Charlie Kelly Award?
This award honours the memory of Charlie Kelly, an Owen Sound alderman who championed the idea of winter tourism for Owen Sound.   The award embodies the spirit of Charlie Kelly and looks to recognize the person who has helped to grow the tourism industry within the Region the most over the last year through initiative, innovation or by acting as a role model.
The Fine Print
To nominate a candidate for this award, send the name and address of the individual, their involvement in tourism, their achievements and why you think this person should be granted this award.  Please outline how they have helped to further the growth of the tourism industry in BruceGreySimcoe. 
A panel of judges comprised of staff from Bruce, Grey and Simcoe Counties, the City of Owen Sound, RTO7, Bayshore Broadcasting and former Charlie Kelly award winners will determine this year’s recipient.  Finalists will be notified by December 1, 2016. The award will be presented at the BruceGreySimcoe Tourism Conference on December 7, 2016 at the Georgian Bay Hotel in Collingwood.
Nominations are now closed.
This award is sponsored by Bayshore Broadcasting and governed by RTO7, the City of Owen Sound, Bruce, Grey and Simcoe Counties.
Thank you for helping to grow the tourism industry in BruceGreySimcoe!
For inquiries, contact:
Kim Clarke
BruceGreySimcoe Conference Planning Committee

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