Celebrate Ontario Open for Applications!

Celebrate Ontario is an annual program that helps festivals and events enhance their programs, activities and services. This support helps grow tourism in the province by making it easier for event organizers to offer new and improved experiences that will attract more tourists and increase visitor spending.

What’s NEW for the Celebrate Ontario 2017 program?
  • Applicants are invited to submit initiatives which celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary for events occurring between April 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017.
  • Marketing is an eligible expense this year, and applicants may apply for marketing costs associated with their enhancement project, the event itself, or both.
  • Existing large events with cash operating expenses in excess of $1 million may apply for multi-year (two-year) funding under the NEW Celebrate Ontario 2017 Multi-Year category.
  • Applicants are asked to identify the target sector of their event. New this year is the opportunity to identify rural or northern events, given their significance to local economies.

Information Sessions Are Back!

We are once again offering a series of online information sessions that will be delivered via webinar using WebEx and teleconference to assist interested organizations in applying to the Celebrate Ontario 2017 program.

Five sessions will be delivered, available in English or French. Please register for your preferred date and time for participation in one of the Celebrate Ontario 2017 English or French Information Sessions.

Note:  If you experience any difficulties with the technology or require an alternate format of the presentation, please contact our office directly at (416) 326-6894 or celebrateontario@ontario.ca 

Your Regional Tourism Advisor can also help you with any questions you might have about your Celebrate Ontario 2017 application.

The deadline to apply for Celebrate Ontario 2017 is November 8, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.

Application information is available on the Grants Ontario website.

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