Professional Etiquette for Email and Social Media

Professionalism and courtesy are essential customer service tools - are you using them effectively through email and social media?  Here are two articles with hints and tips on improving your "netiquette".

In "Know Your E-mail Etiquette", Sue Pelletier discusses how to keep it professional when communicating via email.  In this article, she covers general business email tips, when to copy others, subject lines, response times, and more.

The second article is geared toward event organizers and the use of social media to promote events before, during and after they take place.  However, the basic principles described in "Social Media Do's and Don'ts at Every Stage of the Event Lifecycle" can be applied to anyone using social media to promote their business or organization.  Author Julius Solaris covers basic topics such as identifying your audience, choosing the social media tool that best suits you, encouraging engagement, how to build relationships and create a sense of community, plus other tips to help effectively create a stronger web presence.

Like it or not, communicating electronically is here to stay. The advice in these two articles makes them a worthwhile read and well worth sharing with others in your professional network.

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