Grant Writing and Information Sessions for Non-Profit Groups

Posted by Ginny Henry | September 11, 2013
The Ontario Trillium Foundation in partnership with the Community Foundation Grey Bruce, the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and the Four County Labour Market Planning Board invite you to attend a grant writing and information.

Topics covered:
  • Learn the latest granting/funding trends and opportunities for non-profit groups in Grey, Bruce and Huron
  • Gain new insights and learn strategies on how to plan, write and submit effective grant applications using online technology 
  • Meet local program granting staff and arrange follow-up meetings to share your latest project ideas
Sessions will be held in various communities in September - for locations, dates and how to register, view the invitation.

Registration deadline is September 20, 2013.

For more information:
  • Kathleen Cleland Moyer:  or 855-559-9608
  • Wendy Dempsey: or 866-880-0770

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