Celebrate Ontario 2013

Posted by Ginny Henry | September 22, 2012 | Celebrate Ontario, Culture and Sport, grant application, Ministry of Tourism, RTO7
Celebrate Ontario is a Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport program that helps new and existing festivals and events enhance their programs, activities and services. The program also supports bid and event hosting costs of major one-time events and festivals attracting out-of-province visitors through the Blockbuster category.
Important: as a new online process is being used this year, applicants should register as soon as possible via the new Grants Ontario web-based application system.
The deadline for applications for Main Stage and Signature grants is November 20, 2012.. Full details, including what’s eligible, how to apply, and when to apply are available on the Ministry program website. Questions can also be directed to Christine Anderson, Tourism Industry Advisor, MTCS.
If your organization is hosting a Celebrate Ontario application workshop that you’d like to tell us about, or if you’d like to request assistance with such an event, please comment on this post.

Views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the blog comments section belong solely to the comments' authors and are not necessarily those of Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7), its Board of Directors or its staff.

Alex Hogan
Hi Gerald,

You can indeed manage the Sunset Speedway listing on www.brucegreysimcoe.com and I will call you tomorrow as arranged at 10:30am to walk you through registering to do so. Talk to you then.
10/15/2012 9:55:56 PM
Gerald Fruehwirth
I apologise, as much as I want to contribute to the success of this program I am having difficulty in registering, although by now there must be numerous mistakes made, as each time I try to go in with a OneKey account I am told that there is no such ID registered. I am not stupid, but am unable to sign on using SunsetNews, or Fruehwirth as my ID. It's got to the point that I can't even remember the passwords, as it needed to be with too many variables for security?
I work with Sunset Speedway, in a marketing, and Editor of our Sunset News. I am also working with the Town of Innisfil to promote tourism in our area, as we are a major attraction.
If someone could contact me to let me know what I am doing wrong I would appreciate it. Too many passwords, and ID's

Thank you,

Gerald Fruehwirth
10/15/2012 12:46:21 PM
Alex Hogan
Additional Celebrate Ontario Grant Application workshops are scheduled for:

October 26th 10am-12pm - Blue Mountain
October 29th - Tourism Barrie (contact Tourism Barrie at 705-739-9444)
November 1st 1:30-3:30pm - Southampton (Bruce County Museum)
November 5th - Owen Sound

Please contact Christine Anderson, MTCS at christine.anderson@ontario.ca for more information.
10/9/2012 2:57:33 PM
Jeffrey Schmidt
For those interested, Ontario’s Lake Country will be hosting a Celebrate Ontario Grant Application workshop October 18th 12pm-1pm. To register, contact Jennifer Whitley at jennifer@ontarioslakecountry.com or 705-325-9321.

If you are holding a workshop, or are interested in holding a workshop, please contact Christine Anderson, MTCS at christine.anderson@ontario.ca regarding collaboration.
9/27/2012 5:56:31 PM
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