PPE COVID-19 Recovery Funds Applications Now Accepted for Round 2

Posted by Ginny Henry | October 27, 2020 | applications open, COVID-19, grants, recovery funds, round 2, RTO7, tourism businesses
PPE COVID-19 Recovery Funds Applications Now Accepted for Round 2
RTO7 is pleased to Introduce Round 2 of our PPE Recovery funding for tourism operators and businesses in BruceGreySimcoe.  We understand it’s been a challenging and busy time for our businesses so you may not yet have applied for these funds.  We encourage you to APPLY NOW!

How it works:
RTO7 will reimburse a maximum of $1,000 pre-tax towards your purchase of PPE (defined as masks, sanitizer, shields, costs incurred to adhere to social distancing, touchless payments, new technology, increased cleaning, sanitization, etc.), retroactive to April 1, 2020.

The application process is quick and easy:
  • The process and the requirements are not onerous!
  • It takes about an average of 15 minutes to apply and most applications receive same-day approval.
  • Funds are deposited into your account within two weeks at most
  • Several changes have been made to clarify/broaden who is eligible:
    • In addition to tourism businesses, applications are open for businesses that derive at least 10% of their revenues directly from the tourism consumer
    • In addition to those businesses currently operating, applications are open to:
      • those businesses that did operate during 2020 (starting April 1/20) but may now be closed
    • those businesses that are in the planning stages and will open/operate within 45 days of applying
  • Applications are processed on a first come, first served basis

What are you waiting for???  Apply NOW!

Note:  If you received funds in Round 1, you are not eligible to apply again in Round 2

For more information, visit our PPE COVID-19 Recovery Funds page on RTO7.ca.

Have questions or need assistance?
Contact Alex Hogan, Project & Administration Manager, at ahogan@rto7.ca

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