Red Tape Reduction Ministry Launches New Webpage to Hear Directly from Business

Red Tape Reduction Ministry Launches New Webpage to Hear Directly from Business
Red Tape Reduction Ministry Launches New Webpage to Hear Directly from Business

Making Ontario work smarter by modernizing regulations and easing burdens on job-creators

October 18, 2019 8:30 A.M.
TORONTO - The Ontario government has launched a new website that will make it easier for businesses to help make the province open for business and open for jobs by inviting them to submit their ideas on modernizing regulations and reducing red tape. 

Prabmeet Sarkaria, Associate Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction, officially launched the new webpage this morning at the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Annual Manufacturing Conference. The site will provide a simple, straightforward way for businesses to contact the government with their regulatory concerns.

"We want businesses to tell us directly how we can continue to reduce their regulatory burden, and make Ontario work smarter for them, in order to help make them be more competitive and support greater investment in Ontario," said Associate Minister Sarkaria. "The regulatory knot that was stifling business wasn't tied overnight. Untying it carefully and effectively will take time and persistence, and we will get the job done."

The new webpage can be found at

The Ontario government has taken more than 100 actions to modernize and streamline regulations, reducing overlap with the federal government and municipalities, updating old requirements and simplifying complicated rules.


  • Ontario’s Open for Business Action Plan has set a target of reducing the cost of complying with regulations affecting businesses by $400 million annually by 2020 to help business keep, grow and create good jobs. 
  • Since June 2018, employment in Ontario has risen by 272,400.


Media Contacts

Ian Allen
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction

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