RTO7 is now accepting Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for a Three Year Tourism Strategy & Implementation Program for the Town of Innisfil. Deadline information and document can be found on our
RFPs & RFQs page on our website.
Deadlines for RFQs for the Marine Workforce Recruitment Program for Boating Ontario
have changed and the budget has been specified. Deadline for questions and intent to submit is
Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at noon (ET). Deadline for quotations is now
Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at noon (ET). For more information, visit the
RFPs & RFQs page.
The South Georgian Bay Community Cookbook Project – the countdown is on!! With less than ten days to go, pledges are still being accepted for this unique cookbook project. Featuring profiles of some of the region’s local chefs, it’s filled with their personal favourite recipes, stunning photos, stories by local writers and works by local artists. More than a cookbook, it’s a great keepsake for yourself or giveaway to friends, families, clients and special guests. For more about the project and to make a pledge, visit the project’s
Kickstarter page.
Ontario Helping Cities Become More Bike-Friendly – This is great news for BruceGreySimcoe, which has been working with Grey and Simcoe Counties on cycling initiatives to make the region a tourism cycling destination: Ontario is helping cities become more sustainable and environmentally friendly by making it easier to build off-road bike paths and large-scale recreational trails. The province has created a new streamlined process for municipalities to submit proposals for environmental assessment on new paths and trails. The new environmental assessment process also supports CycleON, the province's long-term strategy to help make Ontario the number one province for cycling in Canada. To access the province’s cycling strategy and read the full News Release, click

In a press release dated October 19, 2015, Aboriginal Tourism Ontario (ATO) announced they will be releasing their updated 2020 Plan. The plan includes promising findings that clearly identify how ATO can manage the future of Ontario’s indigenous tourism for communities, businesses and partners while bolstering the economy with jobs and revenue. Within the release, the 13 Regional Tourism Organizations (RTOs) have been identified as partners to work with to grow this industry. Within RTO7’s boundaries are several First Nations communities including Chippewas of Rama First Nation, Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation. Read the
Press Release for more information.
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, October 27: Ontario’s Lake Country Hosts a Waterways Workshop
Wednesday, October 28: Dragon’s Den, Meaford
Thursday, November 5: Town of Saugeen Shores hosts a Marketing & Social Media for Events Workshop, Port Elgin
Tuesday, November 10: Bruce County Tourism, Tourism Operator Update, Tobermory
Thursday, November 12: Bruce County Tourism, Tourism Operator Update, Walkerton
Tuesday, November 17: FREE AGCO Workshop for Event Planners, Innisfil
Wednesday, November 25: FREE AGCO Workshop for Event Planners, Southampton
Wednesday, December 9: BruceGreySimcoe Tourism Conference, Meaford