Input to Great Lakes Protection

Posted by Alex Hogan | October 09, 2012 | Great Lakes, MMAH, Orillia, protection, workshop
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing (MMAH) is hosting a series of workshops (one in Orillia October 23rd) to get input to proposed revisions to the Provincial Policy Statement, including:
  • increasing protection for all Great Lakes coastal wetlands and connecting channels in southern areas of the province;
  • recognizing the need to maintain and improve biodiversity; and
  • enhancing the current water policites to provide increased direction for shoreline areas.

See the MMAH website for information regarding the review and how to participate.

Views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the blog comments section belong solely to the comments' authors and are not necessarily those of Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7), its Board of Directors or its staff.

Alex Hogan
For more information, contact the MMAH directly by email or by phone 416-585-6014.
10/9/2012 9:53:59 AM
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