2012 RTO7 Annual Update Meeting

Posted by Alex Hogan | October 30, 2012
BruceGreySimcoe tourism industry stakeholders and operators are invited to join us for our first annual update meeting, to be held:
Date:               Thursday, November 22, 2012
Time:               2 pm to 4 pm
Location:         Liberty North, 100 Caplan Avenue, Barrie
We are pleased to advise that The Hon. Michael Chan, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport will be in attendance.
The program will feature:
  • Remarks from Minister Chan
  • A review of RTO7’s first fiscal year of operation
  • Mid-year review of the 2012/13 plan, including launch of our winter marketing campaign
  • A look ahead to 2013, including partnership funding opportunities

A social reception will follow.
RSVPs appreciated but not required. Contact: Alexandra Hogan, Administrative Coordinator at ahogan@rto7.ca or (705) 888-8728.
Media welcome.
We hope to see you there. Please share this with your stakeholders and colleagues.

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