EmployerOne Survey Now Open!

EmployerOne Survey Now Open!
It’s time to have your say!  EmployerOne is BACK and ready for your input. Knowing and understanding the skills shortages and needs of employers in Grey, Bruce, Huron and Perth counties allows the Four County Labour Market Planning Board to develop and promote strategies to help you meet the challenges of our changing economy. The revised survey reflects the current workforce trends and has been shortened to reduce the time required to complete the survey.
Information from past surveys has been used by various local stakeholders to secure funding and to implement community projects addressing workforce shortages and skills development. 

The EmployerOne Survey opened on November 1st and is completely confidential and anonymous. This survey is for all employers with at least one employee in Grey, Bruce, Huron or Perth Counties.
You may receive an invitation to this survey from multiple sources, but you only need to complete the survey once.  To ensure anonymity, we cannot track who has completed the survey. 
The previous EmployerOne reports can be found on the Planning Board’s website. If you have any questions, please contact (519)-881-2725 or toll free 1-888-774-1468.
The more we know, the better prepared we are to work with you and take action in support of your business. Please take time to complete this survey and share amongst your colleagues. Thank you in advance for your participation.

Information Source: Grey County Newsletter of November 1, 2022

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