Social Media Minute - Liking a Page as Your Page

Social Media Minute - Liking a Page as Your Page
Here at RTO7, our Communication staff spend a lot of time on social media.  And, what we’ve discovered is that, sometimes, some of the functions we use regularly on Facebook are unfamiliar or unknown to our tourism business community.  The following are simple to set up and use. And, if you’re already using them, kudos to you! If not, here are some tools to help enhance your social media channel and gain more of an online presence for your business.

Interested in more Social Media Minute?  Read 'Putting the "Social" in Social Media - Why We Use Mentions & Tags'
Everyone knows you can like/follow a Facebook page via your profile.  Did you know that you can also like a page with your business page?  
The advantages of liking and commenting on other pages as your page:
  • You can comment on other pages as your page, which creates a link back to your business page (see the end of this blog post on how to do this).
  • Your business page gets more visibility organically – it’s a way to build awareness among your colleagues and associates. It’s also an effective way to build or strengthen relationships with brands and influencers you’d like to work with.
  • It’s a way to promote and create awareness of your business, a form of online networking with other businesses and potential customers.
  • There is a News Feed dedicated to the pages your page has liked, which creates a handy, easy-to-follow list of businesses you want to keep up with.  It can also be a useful tool for checking out how other pages are marketing their businesses.
  • It can increase the number of followers and likes on your business page, leading to higher engagement (user comments, reactions, shares and post likes).
Here’s how to do it*:
  • Select “Like As Your Page”.
  • Choose “Select a Page” (some operators have more than one) and click Submit

Now, to see the list of pages your page has liked and to find their posts on your feed, follow these steps:

Example used here is RTO7 Connection
  • Go to your Facebook business page and scroll down the righthand side until you see “See Pages Feed” and click on it
  • Next, click on “Pages Liked By This Page” and a window will pop up listing all of the pages your page follows (scroll down to see them all)
  • Posts from pages you’ve liked as your page will also show up on this page, “Pages Feed”
    Example used here is BruceGreySimcoe’s Facebook Pages feed

How to find which businesses like and follow your page. Why? So, you can like and follow them back!  Here is also where you can find people who like and follow your page, plus those people and pages you may have banned from your page.
  • On your Facebook Business Page, click on “Settings”
  • From the left hand menu on the Settings page, choose “People and Other Pages”
  • From the dropdown menu that appears at the top of the list, choose “Pages That Like This Page” (you can also see other options here, such as “People Who Like This Page”, People Who Follow This Page” and “Banned People and Pages”)

Switch it up! How to comment and like pages as your page:
Click on “Settings” as described above.  Once in Settings, click on “Post Attribution” in the left side menu and switch it to your page.  
Social media channels change and add features frequently – take some time once in a while to play and explore the tools offered on your channels to better promote your business. And, we’ll keep sharing our experience and knowledge with you through this blog. 
Have comments? Questions? Solutions? Social media tips & tricks? Share them with us below this post to get the conversation going! 

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