Tourism HR Canada - 2018 Tourism Sector Compensation Study

Tourism HR Canada - 2018 Tourism Sector Compensation Study

If you want to attract, recruit, and retain skilled workers for peak performance in your workplace, you need to know that your compensation package is competitive. The Tourism Sector Compensation Study provides a wealth of information on wage rates by region and industry.

The 2018 Canadian Tourism Sector Compensation Study is now underway.

We are looking for tourism businesses to participate—employers from accommodations, food and beverage services, recreation and entertainment, and travel services.

This is the first time since 2012 that a national-level tourism compensation study has been conducted. Once complete, tourism stakeholders will have access to the latest information on salary ranges, average earnings, benefits, and commissions.

All survey participants will receive the full 2018 Canadian Tourism Compensation Study, including salary and wage data for 30 tourism occupations by industry and region. Participants also receive information on benefits and incentives offered to tourism employees and information on the effects of minimum wage increases. This valuable information will facilitate your understanding of the labour market, allowing you to assess how competitive your compensation package is.

R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. has been hired as an independent consultant to manage the survey. If you have already been contacted by R.A. Malatest & Associates, we encourage you to complete the survey using the link and access code it has provided.

If you are a tourism business owner who has not previously been contacted about this survey, we invite you to complete the survey here.

The survey takes 10 – 15 minutes to complete and covers human resource policies related to compensation. Once you complete the survey, you will be asked to submit compensation data for your business/organization either online or using an Excel spreadsheet. All compensation data provided will be kept anonymous and used only in aggregate form. Both components may be completed online or by email, fax, phone, or mail.

If you are a tourism industry association, we request your help in distributing the survey to your members. For communications material or additional information, please email

Your participation is voluntary. All information will be held in strict confidence and is protected under the Privacy Act. You will not be identified in the report and the feedback you provide will remain completely anonymous. For more information about your privacy, please review our privacy policy.

Click here to participate in the 2018 Tourism Sector Compensation Study

For more information on the survey, visit Tourism HR Canada or contact Derek Hughes, Research Director at R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd., at 1-855-688-1137, or by email at

Information Source:  Tourism HR Canada

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