The Unconference brought together 78 students and 91 operators for the day at Blue Mountain Resort.

Facilitator Jeff MacInnes kicked off the day with a beach ball icebreaker where students and operators had to answer the questions the beachball posed. It was a quick way to get everyone laughing together.
The wheel of tourism jobs: One focus of the day was sharing the huge variety of tourism careers in the BruceGreySimcoe region.
The students spent an hour hearing from a great panel of operators working in the tourism industry. This quick and fun format gave students lots of first-hand information on a selection of tourism jobs.
Travis Barron - Corporate Chef at Northwinds Brewhouse and Eatery shared his story with the students.
An apple-themed health break kept everyone ready to learn and network.
The students broke into teams to brainstorm their top priorities when lookings for jobs in the tourism industry.
Sticky notes were key to day. All ideas were welcome and teams picked their Top 3 to present to the operators later in the day.
The operators spent some time brainstorming student hiring practices with Rob Hunter from Higher Me.

With the students and operators united, teams went out to explore Blue Mountain Village and create a 30 second video about the attractions.

Selfies, selfies and more selfies.
The team challenge brought the operators and students together in a new way.
Back together after lunch, students and operators worked on their Win statements, completing the phrase I will win by...
And the day wrapped up with students and operators sharing their Win statements while Jeff MacInnis recorded them.