Please Complete This Short Survey From TIAO

Please Complete This Short Survey From TIAO
A Message From TIAO

The Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant was announced as part of the provincial government’s budget on March 24th. The grant offers tourism businesses the opportunity to apply for up to $20,000 in government grant support.

It was recently opened for applications, but as referenced by Minister Lisa MacLeod on her most recent town-hall call, at this early stage, there haven’t been as many applications to the fund as expected.

TIAO wants to hear from you about whether you have applied for the grant, found yourself ineligible or learn of any other reasons why you’ve not been able to apply for the grant. This will help us advise government and work to ensure this much needed funding gets to the businesses it was intended to support.

We are also asking that you please share this survey widely, so that we can build the most compressive picture possible.

Fill out the survey here.

Thank you,

The TIAO team

Have questions or need help with the survey? Contact TIAO directly at or 416-483-1601

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