RTO7 Starting Down the Path to Recovery

RTO7 is ready to go with its newest program, the Operations Implementation Program (OIP).  This program was created as part of RTO7’s 2020/21 COVID-19 Business Recovery Plan to assist and support the tourism operators in BruceGreySimcoe during recovery from the effects of COVID-19 on their business.

The term tourism operator is defined as a consumer facing organization that has direct access to the consumer and relies on that consumer for their income.
How does OIP work?  RTO7 will match an operator’s investment in operational expenses with $1,000 (includes HST) for a social media campaign to promote the tourism business.  Eligible operational expenses include mortgage payments, rent, insurance, inventory purchases, etc.  Proof of payment must be submitted with your final report and note that RTO7 covers the additional agency fees.  
The setting up of the social media campaign will be actioned now to ensure your tourism business is ready to be advertised at the appropriate time. 
For detailed information on the program, visit the Operations Implementation Program page on RTO7.ca.  

Have questions? Contact Amanda, apausner@rto7.ca /  226-568-0242 or Kim, kclarke@rto7.ca / 519-379-2506.

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