Creating Jobs and Boosting Economic Growth in Rural Ontario

Creating Jobs and Boosting Economic Growth in Rural Ontario
News Release
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

The Ontario government is working for the people to better help rural and Indigenous communities attract investment, create jobs and boost economic development through a revitalized Rural Economic Development (RED) program. The first intake of the redesigned program will open July 29, 2019.

The updated program will continue to support projects that diversify and grow local economies and will now target more impactful projects with tangible community benefits. It will also reduce the burden for applicants, create efficiencies in program delivery, and better align with the government's priorities of creating jobs and removing barriers to investment and growth in Ontario's rural communities.

The program will offer two new project categories:
  • Economic Diversification and Competitiveness (projects that remove barriers to job growth and attract investment); and
  • Strategic Economic Infrastructure (projects that advance economic development and investment opportunities).

"Our government is committed to boosting economic growth in our rural communities," said Ernie Hardeman, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. "That's why we've updated the Rural Economic Development program to focus on projects that will bring real benefits to communities and help attract investment and create jobs, while also providing greater value for taxpayer dollars."

This program is one of the key components of the government's efforts to build community capacity and support economic development in Ontario's rural communities.

Bianca Jamieson Communications Branch

Julian Neal Minister's Office

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