Do You Use Google Analytics? You Should...Frederic Gonzalo Explains Why

Information posted here courtesy of Frederic Gonzalo, who presented at a March workshop held in partnership with RTO7, Ontario's Lake Country, Orillia and Area CDC and Casino Rama.

It boggles my mind to still see websites that don’t have Google Analytics installed, or sometimes installed only the home page. GA provides a mine of information about users to your website, their behavior and what events or pages convert. Other examples of valuables insights provided by GA:
  • Demographics of users to your website
  • Performance of the site: time spent, unique visitors per page, pages viewed per session, bounce rate on the site or specific pages, etc.
  • Where traffic is coming from: organic, direct, referral, social, paid.
  • Which device (mobile, tablets, desktop) generate traffic, how it compares to overall site stats
  • Conversion rates for events: download a brochure, subscribe to a newsletter, reserve or buy an item on the site, etc.
  • Flow of traffic on your site: where users spend time, where they exit, which page converts better and so on.

Of course, this is a just a snippet of the possibilities but it goes without saying that GA should be a must in any digital marketer’s toolkit.

For more tips on Google Tools, Social Media and more, visit Frederic's website.

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