Celebrate Tourism at the Barrie Info Centre

You are cordially invited to attend a regional pre-event launch/reception at the Barrie Travel Information Centre on Thursday, May 29, 2014, 10:30 am to 12 noon.

It is that time of year again ...  TIME to Celebrate Tourism.   This year's is slightly different.  The local radio station – CHAY – is broadcasting their morning show from the Centre starting at 6 am.    

In addition, Kevin Yarde from the Weather Network is doing his morning show segments from the Travel Centre and promoting our local tourism products.   As in the past, local media has been invited to attend throughout the morning.   New this year, the general public is invited to join in the celebration.    

The formal launch takes place at 10:30 and the reception will continue until noon; but feel free to arrive as early as you wish.    This event is always a great networking opportunity and you will get a chance to meet our new Travel Promotion Officer – Kevin Forget – who joined the staff last November.

Tourism industry partners are encouraged to bring your brochures for distribution at the centre and to swap with other information centres in the area.  All of the Ontario Travel Centre staff – full-time and part-time – will be in attendance so you will have the opportunity to talk with them about your product.    If you would like to schedule a 15 minute formal presentation for staff in the afternoon on May 29th, that can be set up.       Those presentations are scheduled from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.

For more information and to RSVP by phone or email, contact:

SPECIAL NOTE – Please extend this invitation to your staff, members of your association, and anyone that you think would be interested in attending or participating.

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