The Faces of Tourism in BruceGreySimcoe - Meet Sarah Beveridge

The Faces of Tourism in BruceGreySimcoe - Meet Sarah Beveridge
Sarah Beveridge is an artist and a visionary who runs Blue Thornbury - a creative and contemporary studio space that brings together art and cycling on the main street of town. Beveridge and her husband Chris Carvallo moved to the region for it's endless opportunities in both the cultural and outdoor activity sectors. "There’s so much opportunity right now in terms of tourism for people to go out on their own, connect with the community, see what’s missing and if you have a love or a passion, you can make it work," says Beverage. "It’s an exciting time for bridges between arts and culture that in turn build tourism. It’s not necessarily that you’re going to get a job, it’s that you’re going to create one."

After their 2 year anniversary of Blue Thornbury this year, Sarah and her family are happy with the relationships they've built and are eager to build more relationships as they launch the Blue Thornbury cycling tours. "The shop features about 8 fine artists on the gallery walls and more local artisans in the shop portion. We're excited about relationships and partnerships we've made in such a short time." 

Education:  Bachelor of Fine Arts from University of Windsor
First Tourism Job:  Managing and curating gallery spaces in Toronto
Current Job:  Owner, Artist and Curator at Blue Thornbury
Years in the Tourism Industry: 20 plus
Career Myth: As an artist, there’s no real career path in tourism
Why would you recommend this path to someone?
There’s so much opportunity right now in terms of tourism for people to go out on their own, connect with the community, see what’s missing and if you have a love or a passion, make it work.

Read about others who are have made a career in the tourism industry by visiting the Careers in Tourism page.

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