An Invitation from the Honourable Michael Coteau, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Dear tourism stakeholder,

I am pleased to let you know that beginning in April we will be holding facilitated focus sessions on tourism in communities across the province to support the development of the Strategic Framework for Tourism in Ontario.

We held initial discussions with industry representatives during the winter and took away a number of key themes and priorities. Our next step is to share what we learned, hear what you think of our initial plan, and decide together what we can all do to grow tourism in the province.

More information on these sessions, including locations and how to register, is available on our website. I encourage you to share this information with your networks, as we would like to hear ideas from a diverse group of tourism stakeholders.

Ontario’s tourism industry supports economic growth, and I am proud of the important role it plays in building vibrant communities.

I hope you will attend a session over the coming weeks. Your advice will be invaluable in growing tourism in Ontario and making it one of the world’s best places to visit.


Michael Coteau

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