More FEO Award Winners in BruceGreySimcoe!

At their recent conference, Festivals and Events Ontario (FEO) announced several industry award winners, some of them right here in BruceGreySimcoe.

FEO 2015 Achievement Award Winners:
  • Best Community Partner Outreach Program ($100,000 or less):  Apple Harvest Festival & Apple Pie Trail, Blue Mountain
  • Best Greening of a Festival or Event:  Canada's Only Guitar Trail, Blue Mountain
  • Best New Single Sponsorship Opportunity:  Collingwood Elvis Festival with Zulu Alpha Kilo, Collingwood

Through this special award, FEO is pleased to recognize those municipalities, towns or citys and markets who have worked, through concentrated efforts, to provide an atmosphere beneficial to successful festivals and events.
  • Municipality of the Year Award (population less than 50,000):  The Town of Collingwood
Congratulations to all of the winners!!

For more on FEO and to see the complete list of winners, visit the website.

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