“Tap into Tourism” offers students first-hand look at Hospitality & Tourism industry opportunities

News Release - February 26, 2015
Simcoe County District School Board

Grade 11 and 12 students in Hospitality & Tourism Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs across Simcoe County will have the opportunity to build their knowledge and career awareness through the Tap into Tourism Career Day on March 4.

As part of Regional Tourism Organization 7’s (RTO7) commitment to workforce development, they partnered with the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) and Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board to present the second annual Tap into Tourism Career Day.

“The Tap into Tourism Career Day is an opportunity for students to interact with tourism industry professionals, to learn more about a career in tourism and to understand the importance of customer service,” said Bill Sullivan, RTO7’s Executive Director. “After this event, we hope students will be inspired to choose tourism as a career and that they understand the need and advantages of providing unparalleled customer service.”
  • What: Tap into Tourism Career Day - workshops hosted by local professionals
  • When: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - students will be in workshops between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Full schedules can be provided upon request.
  • Where: Fern Resort, 4432 Fern Resort Road, Orillia, ON L3V 6H5

“Tap into Tourism Career Day is intended to expose students to the variety of hospitality and tourism professions available within their own backyards,” said Justin van Diepen, Itinerant Resource Teacher, Cooperative Education and SHSM, SCDSB. “Having workshops run by local employers is a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn directly from industry professionals and make career connections within their community.”

“We are fortunate that employers take time away from their day to mentor our students and provide them with real world experiences that assist them in making sound career decisions,” said Sarah Kekewich, Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) Coordinator, SCDSB. “Having the support from RTO7 and its partners makes events such as Tap into Tourism Career Day a success.”

About RTO7
RTO7 provides strategic and collaborative leadership to build, sustain and grow tourism in Bruce, Grey and Simcoe counties. For more information about RTO7, please visit www.rto7.ca or contact Alex Hogan, Manager of Partnerships at (705) 441-2931 or ahogan@rto7.ca  

About OYAP
OYAP allows students to work alongside skilled trades employers through the cooperative education program. Students who demonstrate employability skills, motivation and interest in a trade can become registered apprentices while working towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). For more information about OYAP, please visit www.oyap.com or contact Sarah Kekewich, OYAP Coordinator.

About SHSM programs
Partnerships with local businesses and organizations, industry certifications and other hands-on opportunities are central to the SHSM programs offered in the SCDSB. Students can start the programs in Grade 11. For more information about SHSM programs, visit your local SCDSB secondary school or www.mySHSM.ca  

Sarah Kekewich, OYAP Coordinator, SCDSB
skekewich@scdsb.on.ca or 705-734-6363 ext. 11342

Justin van Diepen, IRT - Cooperative Education and SHSM, SCDSB
jvandiepen@scdsb.on.ca or 705-734-6363 ext. 11465

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