Wasaga Beach Official Plan Review - Community Visioning Workshop Invitation

Posted by Ginny Henry | June 22, 2017 | feedback, invitation, official plan, public meeting, review, Simcoe County, Wasaga Beach, workshop
The Town of Wasaga Beach has initiated a review of its Official Plan. You are invited to participate by attending any of the following events:


Date: June 27, 2017
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Council Chambers, Town of Wasaga Beach Municipal Office,
30 Lewis Street, Wasaga Beach


Date: June 28, 2017
Time: Drop-in between 10:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Presentation and Workshop from 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Oakview Room – Wasaga Beach RecPlex
1724 Mosley Street, Wasaga Beach

What is an Official Plan?
The Official Plan is a statement of goals, objectives and policies to guide future growth, land use and development within the Town of Wasaga Beach for the next 15 years and beyond. The Town’s current Official Plan was approved in 2004 and has been subject to several amendments. A new Official Plan will be prepared to replace the 2004 Official Plan and related amendments through this Official Plan Review.

Why are we reviewing our Official Plan?
The purpose of the Official Plan Review is to fulfill the requirements of the Planning Act, which requires municipalities to conduct a review every five years and to update local Official Plans to conform to provincial plans, policies and matters of provincial interest. The Official Plan Review is a Town-wide initiative affecting all land within the Town of Wasaga Beach. A consulting team led by GSP Group Inc. has been retained by the Town to conduct the Official Plan Review with Town Planning staff.

Why your feedback is important:
The purpose of these events is to provide members of the public with information about the Official Plan Review process and how to participate. This is also an initial opportunity for public input to areas of the current Official Plan that should be changed or addressed differently in the new Official Plan, and to participate in shaping the future vision and direction for Wasaga Beach.

At the Public Meeting, an overview presentation about the Official Plan Review will be provided, followed by an opportunity for the public to provide comments and ask questions.  Anyone wishing to address Council with respect to the Official Plan Review will be given an opportunity to do so at the Public Meeting. You may provide written comments to Council up until the time of the Public Meeting.

At the Drop-in Information Centre, information and mapping will be on display to illustrate how land in the Town is currently designated and planned for future development. The consulting team and Town Planning staff will be on hand to discuss the Official Plan Review and respond to any comments or questions through informal individual or small group discussions.

The Community Visioning Workshop will begin with a presentation at 2:00pm, followed by a roundtable discussion to brainstorm about the long term vision and identity of Wasaga Beach, as well as core strengths, opportunities and directions to consider in the Official Plan.

There will be a number of other opportunities to participate and submit comments in this process. If you are submitting letters, faxes, e-mails, or other communications to the Town concerning the Official Plan Review, please be aware that your name and your comments will become part of the public record. The Town will also make your communication and any personal information in it available to the public, unless you expressly request the Town to remove it.

For additional information or to be added to the project mailing list, please contact:
Nathan Wukasch, Planner
Planning Department
30 Lewis Street, Wasaga Beach, Ontario, L9Y 1A1
T: (705) 429-3847 ext. 2273
F: (705) 429-7603

Dated at the Town of Wasaga Beach this 15th day of June, 2017.

To view the invitation and the Project Newsletter on the Official Plan Review, click here.

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