Ontario Chamber of Commerce Launches Tourism Photo Contest

Posted by Ginny Henry | June 29, 2016 | 2016, Facebook, OCC, Ontario Chamber of Commerce, Ontario Parks, photo contest, tourism
Ontario Chamber of Commerce Launches Tourism Photo Contest
How do you #PictureOntario?

To support and promote tourism in the province of Ontario, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) has launched a summer photo contest.

This summer-long initiative is asking Ontarians to share photos on Facebook of their favourite Ontario summer destinations.  The winner of the contest will have their photo featured in the upcoming OCC tourism report and will win $300 for Ontario Parks! 

How to enter:
  1. Share your photo on Facebook with the hashtag #PictureOntario.
  2. Mention @OntChamberOfCommerce in your post and be sure to specify the location of the image.
  3. Like the Ontario Chamber of Commerce Facebook page for contest updates and details. 

Contest winner to be announced August 26th.

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