Updated COVID-19 Screening Tools for Businesses & Organizations

A message from Debbie Jewell, A/Assistant Deputy Minister, Heritage, Tourism and Culture Division:

The following COVID-19 screening tools have been updated to align with the requirements in O. Reg 364/20: Rules for Areas at Step 3.  Please read the following material for information on how these changes apply to your business operation or organization. 
  • The COVID-19 Screening Tool for Businesses and Organizations (Screening Patrons) has been updated to align with requirements for patron screening per Step 3, and wording has been clarified from the previous version. The tool can be accessed online or downloaded (PDF) from the Ontario government website.
  • The COVID-19 Screening Tool for Businesses and Organizations (Screening Workers) has been updated. The tool can be accessed online or downloaded (PDF) from the Ontario government website.
  • The COVID-19 Signage Questions for Businesses and Organizations (Signage Instructions) has been simplified. The instructions can be downloaded (PDF) from the Ministry of Health COVID-19 Guidance for the Health Sector website.

For more information, visit Ontario.ca or visit the Contact Page on that site.

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