Letter from Minister MacLeod: Roadmap to Reopen Step 3

Letter from Minister MacLeod: Roadmap to Reopen Step 3
July 9, 2021


Today, I was pleased to host a technical briefing with my team and the Ministry of Health with more than 1,000 of our industry leaders and sectoral partners to learn more about our province's move into Step 3 of our reopening plan.

Our government, in consultation with Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore, released the Roadmap to Reopen, a three-step plan to safely and cautiously reopen the province and gradually lift public health measures.

In response to continued improvements in public health and health system indicators, Ontario will move into Step Three of the Roadmap to Reopen at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, July 16, 2021.

I’d like to provide an update on these steps and what they mean for our heritage, sport, tourism and culture industries.

Step Three

Step Three will permit the resumption of indoor services with larger numbers of people, with restrictions in place, including but not limited to:
  • Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 100 people with limited exceptions;
  • Indoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 25 people;
  • Indoor religious services, rites or ceremonies, including wedding services and funeral services permitted with physical distancing;
  • Indoor dining permitted with no limits on the number of patrons per table with physical distancing and other restrictions still in effect;
  • Indoor sports and recreational fitness facilities to open subject to a maximum 50 per cent capacity of the indoor space. Capacity for indoor spectators is 50 per cent of the usual seating capacity or 1,000 people, whichever is less. Capacity for outdoor spectators is 75 per cent of the usual seating capacity or 15,000 people, whichever is less;
  • Indoor meeting and event spaces permitted to operate with physical distancing and other restrictions still in effect and capacity limited to not exceed 50 per cent capacity or 1,000 people, (whichever is less);
  • Essential and non-essential retail with with capacity limited to the number of people that can maintain a physical distance of two metres;
  • Personal care services, including services requiring the removal of a face covering, with capacity limited to the number of people that can maintain a physical distance of two metres;
  • Museums, galleries, historic sites, aquariums, zoos, landmarks, botanical gardens, science centres, casinos/bingo halls, amusement parks, fairs and rural exhibitions, festivals, with capacity limited to not exceed 50 per cent capacity indoors and 75 per cent capacity outdoors;
  • Concert venues, cinemas, and theatres permitted to operate at:
    • up to 50 per cent capacity indoors or a maximum limit of 1,000 people for seated events (whichever is less)
    • up to 75 per cent capacity outdoors or a maximum limit of 5,000 people for unseated events (whichever is less); and up to 75 per cent capacity outdoors or a maximum of 15,000 people for events with fixed seating (whichever is less).
  • Indoor food or drink establishments where dance facilities are provided, including nightclubs and restobars, permitted up to 25 per cent capacity or up to a maximum limit of 250 people (whichever is less).
More detailed information is available through the government’s news release and link to regulations are available below.
 As we continue to work together to ensure that the province re-emerges as a global leader that is ready to reconnect Ontarians with all we have to offer, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries' outgoing Deputy Minister, Nancy Matthews. 
Throughout this pandemic, Deputy Minister Matthews has been a tireless advocate for our sectors and it has been an honour to work with her. I wish her the best in her next chapter and congratulate the Ministry's Assistant Deputy Minister, Kevin Finnerty, for assuming the role of Deputy Minister. 
Together, we will ensure that Ontario remains the best place in the world to live, work, play and visit. 

Kindest regards,

Honourable Lisa MacLeod
Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

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