TIAO's COVID-19 Survey 7.0 Now Open

TIAO's COVID-19 Survey 7.0 Now Open
A message from TIAO (Tourism Industry Association of Ontario):

Since the beginning of this pandemic, we've been incredibly grateful for your support in completing our stakeholder surveys.

As the province continues on its path of slowly reopening and the lifting of some restrictions, we know the experience of this period can be different for our members, stakeholders and partner organizations.

As we all begin to adapt to the 'new normal' we know that there remain significant challenges and regulatory impediments. At TIAO we continue to collect this information, assist those trying to access provincial and federal government support and advise government on how to best support our industry.

The information we collect in this survey will also directly impact our Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) Conference briefing papers and meetings with key ministers in August.

The survey link is https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LQ82NHH please share with your networks to help us compile the most comprehensive set of data.

Survey 7.0 is now open until Friday July 31st at 8am.

Thank you.

The TIAO Team

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