RTO7 Seeks Nominations & Applications to Fill One Vacancy on Board of Directors

Posted by Ginny Henry | July 23, 2020
RTO7 Seeks Nominations & Applications to Fill One Vacancy on Board of Directors

Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) seeks nominations and applications to fill 1 (one) vacancy on its Board of Directors:

  • One director representing the tourism sector at large and/or possessing at least one of the following attributes from the  list of skill sets with senior level experience in the following areas – Research, Communications, Risk Mitigation, Media Relations, Accounting/Finance and Marketing/PR 

RTO7’s industry-led, volunteer board is responsible for providing direction to the organization in fulfillment of the organization’s mission, which is “to work collaboratively with tourism partners and stakeholders to build, sustain and grow visitation, investment and visitor spending.
For information about:
RTO7’s vision is “to establish BruceGreySimcoe as Ontario’s four‐season destination of choice”.
For information about:
BruceGreySimcoe, visit www.BruceGreySimcoe.com. 

Important Information
These are volunteer positions. Directors are expected to have relevant board and/or management experience, leadership, skills and qualifications that would recommend them as directors of a non‐profit corporation.
Interested individuals should: review the policy information provided (Section 1); and complete the application form (Section 2); and submit along with a current C.V. (resume). All information is confidential.
The deadline for applications is 12:00 noon, August 14. Decisions are expected on or before October 1, 2020. All applicants are thanked for their interest and will be contacted.

Download Call for Nominations and Application HERE
For more information, contact: info@rto7.ca

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