Cycling Vacations on the Increase

More and more families, as well as serious cyclists, are taking biking holidays - great news for BruceGreySimcoe, which is becoming a popular destination for cyclists.  A 2010 Ministry of Tourism survey revealed that cycle tourism attracted 2 million visitors to Ontario who spent $391 million.  This marks a 25% increase in cycle tourists and an increase of 18% in spending over 2009.

Read "Sightseeing cycle tours at home and abroad" in The Star.

Check out BruceGreySimcoe's Cycling microsite.

Views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the blog comments section belong solely to the comments' authors and are not necessarily those of Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7), its Board of Directors or its staff.

Stephen Crewson
I'm glad to see this improved stat. Cycling tourism is great for local businesses in any community. It appears that the efforts of organizations like 'Ontario by Bike' and 'Explore the Bruce' are being felt across our Province.
7/31/2014 11:35:27 AM
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