Province Helping Ontario Craft Brewers Create Jobs

Ontario is providing small craft brewers with renewed support by extending the Ontario Microbrewery Strategy for two more years to help create jobs and expand the industry. 

Through the Ontario Microbrewery Strategy, the province is helping small brewers explore new marketing, training and tourism development opportunities.

Members of the Ontario Craft Brewers in BruceGreySimcoe are the Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery, MacLean's Ales and Neustadt Spring Brewery.

Craft beer is a growing and important industry in Ontario, employing more than 650 people in direct brewery jobs at 47 microbreweries. Support through Ontario's Microbrewery Strategy also helps create indirect jobs in Ontario's agriculture and hospitality sectors. 

Providing the right climate to attract investment, create jobs and grow the economy is part of the new Ontario government's plan to build a prosperous and fair province.

Read the complete News Release by clicking here.

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