Free Festival and Event Listings with Destination Ontario and Festivals & Events Ontario

Free Festival and Event Listings with Destination Ontario and Festivals & Events Ontario
*Each year, Ontario’s festivals and events attract tourists, support tens of thousands of jobs and generate millions of dollars in revenue across the province.

Destination Ontario’s consumer website has an annual reach in excess of four million consumers and offers free listings for Ontario’s festivals and events.

Below you will find information on how festivals and events can further their marketing opportunities by listing their experience on Destination Ontario’s travel consumer website,, as well as in the annual Festivals and Events in Ontario Guide, produced by Festivals and Events Ontario (FEO), and on the website. Three opportunities - all for FREE!

If you are, or know of a festival or event which could benefit from these free marketing opportunities, please pass this information along.

Festivals & Events Ontario will be producing the 2020/21 edition of the Festivals & Events in Ontario Guide, the ultimate source for passionate fest fans to find event listings throughout Ontario.

This digest-sized, consumer publication will have a 12-month shelf-life and will list festivals and events taking place from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. Distribution is scheduled to begin in Spring 2020 and will be available for download in web edition on the and websites.

The printed guides will be available through a broad distribution network, including the Festivals & Events Ontario office, the Destination Ontario visitor information centers, associated tourism related channels throughout the province and U.S. distribution along border states.

Guide Consideration
For a listing to be considered in the selection process for inclusion in the Guide, your Festival(s) or Event(s) MUST be submitted to BOTH the website and the website (see two-step process below).

Please Note: Due to the large volume of festivals/events submitted each year and space limitations, not all detailed festival and event submissions will be printed in the Festivals and Events in Ontario Guide

For ONTARIOTRAVEL.NET Website – Destination Ontario’s consumer website

Submit your festival/event(s) to Destination Ontario’s consumer website by registering it through their corporate website:  Approved listings will then be featured on the consumer site, Please review the guidelines and criteria for ‘Submission of Events’ on the website. Criteria can be found here:  DEADLINE is Friday, February 7, 2020.
  1. Log-in to your account on
  2. Select ‘Manage Events’ and follow the steps to update or add your events
If you do not have an account, please REGISTER first on Once you have been approved, you can log-in and submit your events.
Image Requirements
You will need to submit an image (min. 1920x800 pixels, JPEG format, max 4MB, landscape orientation; no collages, logos or text) that reflects the visitor experience.

Pending approval from Destination Ontario, your festival or event will be listed on the website.
If you have any questions or need assistance, email

For FESTIVALSANDEVENTSONTARIO.CA Website – Festival and Events Ontario website

Submit your festival/event(s) updates on Festival and Events Ontario self-managed database/website at festivalsandeventsontario.caDEADLINE is Friday, Feburary 7, 2020.
  1. Log-in - Access your FEO profile on  Enter your email address and your password – If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot Your Password”.  If you do not have an account, select ‘New Profile Registration’ to create a new account.
  2. Select the Festival Info Tab – to add, make changes, or to delete a listing. Please take time to review all the event details to ensure accuracy and completion.
Image requirements
We want your event to stand out so feel free to upload an action shot image/logo/thumbnail (ideal image size is 248 x 178 pixels) for each listing in a .jpeg format. The image must be legally yours and you are giving FEO permission to use it. Don't have an image to upload at your fingertips just yet - not to worry! FEO has a series of preselected default images for your festival and event listings to draw visitors to your event which will automatically appear in your listing.
All festivals and events submitted will appear on the website within 48 hours once they have been saved.

If you have any questions or need assistance email or call (519) 742-2226 and staff will assist you.
DEADLINE for submissions for the two website marketing opportunities, as well as the printed guide is February 7, 2020.

*Source:  Destination Ontario email communication of January 14, 2020 

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