Apply Now! Funds (and Time) Still Available for 2019/20 Partnership Programs

Happy 2020! While we’re all into a new calendar year, RTO7’s new fiscal year starts April 1st with still a bit of funds left in this year’s Partnership Program (2019/20).
Why take advantage of this funding?  With late January calling for flurries, it’s the perfect time to submit your application to do a winter photo shoot or video of your tourism experience, accommodation, restaurant or business and create professional marketing collateral.  
If it’s not clear howimagesfrom a photo shoot might be used in future, other than on your website, print collateral, social media etc., we’ve included an example below.  
The shots are from a photo shoot Fern Resort did in 2018.  RTO7 then used these images in a carousel in our BruceGreySimcoe SpringSummerFall 2019 Facebook/Instagram Image Campaign. $750 was budgeted to run this campaign through the BruceGreySimcoe Facebook page, with all traffic directed to Fern Resort’s website.  

In addition to your photo (or video shoot), your collateral is then featured in a social media campaign the following year (and possibly multiple subsequent years), AT NO COST TO YOU.
To view examples of past partnership videos, visit our YouTube page by clicking on the links below: 
Partnership Videos - Winter
Partnership Videos – Spring & Summer
Partnership Videos - Fall
For more information, visit our Partnership Programs page on or email Alex Hogan at

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